Babygrow with lights built in could help thousands of newborns affected by jaundice: Bulbs could breakdown the compound that causes condition’s characteristic yellow appearance


A babygrow that lights up from top to bottom could help thousands of newborns affected by jaundice.

The high-tech satin garment has hundreds of tiny LED lights woven into the fabric. Each battery-powered bulb is no bigger than a matchhead and constantly emits light to help clear the symptoms of jaundice — yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes.

The theory is that this exposure to light breaks down bilirubin, the yellow substance that gives the characteristic jaundice appearance. The bilirubin is then disposed of by the liver.

5899d99f11d865874fe9753b2fcc43a2 Babygrow with lights built in could help thousands of newborns affected by jaundice: Bulbs could breakdown the compound that causes condition's characteristic yellow appearance


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