Be Careful ! What Are You Buying: Did You Know What Does The Stickers on The Fruits Mean?


When you are purchase fruits in the supermarket have you detected the stickers? Do you know what they tight-fisted?

98726f7454d1c6ccf6e2b22899600b2a Be Careful ! What Are You Buying: Did You Know What Does The Stickers on The Fruits Mean?

  • The produce was cultivated in the second one-half of 20th century and artificial fertilizer was very likely used if the sticker contains 4 dactyl code starting with the numeral 3 or 4.
  • In case the sticker contains 5 dactyl code with number 9, so that produce was cultivated in a customary way for thousands of years and these makes are known as organic. Fertilizers and pesticides are not worn.
  • GMO products are genetically modified and they acquire stickers with 5 digit decree which starts with unit 8.
  • Now when you are aware about the stickers you Testament choose more carefully what are you purchasing and consuming.

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