EU Preliminary Agreement To Modernize Fishing Vessels Legislation


ace058eced45a12433c227b2079df662 EU Preliminary Agreement To Modernize Fishing Vessels LegislationRomance fishing boat. Photo Belief: Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Common

The European Council, led by the Maltese administration, reached a preliminary political correspondence on Thursday with the European Parlt on a draft regulation defining the identifying of fishing vessels.

The new rules annul and recast Council regulation No 2930/86 in occupation with the European Union’s committal to simplify and clarify EU law in order to piddle it clearer and easier to understand.

Hon. Roderick Galdes, Ordered Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Being rights welcomed the agreement and aforementioned that, “such an old agreement under the Maltese Presidentship, the first of the year, confirms Country’s commitment to the fisheries sphere and is a demonstration of our determination to bring head better regulation.”

The new regulation retains the content of its 1986 predecessor, which was revised several times, but brings it up to period and adapts it to the current legal frame. It also grants the Commission fresh powers to bring the requirements for deciding continuous engine power in border with technical developments and doable changes in the international ISO standards.

The correspondence still needs to be approved by the Meeting’s Permanent Representatives Ngo (Coreper). After formal confirmation by the Council, the new legislation will be submitted to the Continent Parliament for a vote at first recitation and to the Council for final adoption.
