Fresh concerns raised about dangers of e-cigarettes: Study reveals the trendy gadgets may slow down your heart rate and cause a cardiac arrest


Fresh concerns have been raised about e-cigarettes after new research found the devices may slow down your heart rate.

Aerosols found in the trendy gadgets led to bradycardia – which can be life-threatening and trigger a cardiac arrest – in mice, scientists discovered. 

The damage was similar to that of traditional cigarettes, which scientists have tried to coax the public out of smoking for decades.

The findings, made by researchers at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, are the latest to delve into the dangers of e-cigarettes.

e96e4e1a9c57cbc8aa0cacf21f76ae56 Fresh concerns raised about dangers of e-cigarettes: Study reveals the trendy gadgets may slow down your heart rate and cause a cardiac arrest


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