Gwynnie DID get something right! Paltrow’s high-fat keto diet can extend your lifespan by 10 years and ward off Alzheimer’s, two studies conclude


The controversial high-fat, low-carb keto diet can add 10 years to your lifespan, research has shown.

Two new studies have concluded that the lifestyle – favored by self-modeled health expert Gwyneth Paltrow and others such as Mick Jagger and Kim Kardashian – can even ward off Alzheimer’s and cancer.

The studies tested mice who were fed the keto diet and found that they were more resistant to life-threatening diseases, and were more likely to live to old age in good health.

Researchers are now trying to create a supplement that will provide humans with the benefits of the diet without making them adhere to it.

3070e6c50c858e4409fd22556a77f602 Gwynnie DID get something right! Paltrow's high-fat keto diet can extend your lifespan by 10 years and ward off Alzheimer's, two studies conclude

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