New 3D mammograms set to replace current version – but experts warn they could be WORSE as they may over-diagnose breast cancers


More and more radiology center have 3D mammograms that compile more images and, supposedly, improve the chances of breast cancer detection, but there is little research on their effectiveness.

If they are found to be more effective, the new technology could become the norm, so US health officials and the National Cancer Institute are starting a huge study to tell if the newer, sometimes pricier, choice really improves screening.

Mammograms can save lives if they catch aggressive breast cancers early, but screenings can lead to over-diagnoses. 

A 3D mammogram – marketed to catch more cancers – may only increase false positives and anxiety for women unnecessarily, rather than more effectively diagnosing the worst cancers, experts worry.

7f6f88e4bb645baf41d6b93767a42728 New 3D mammograms set to replace current version - but experts warn they could be WORSE as they may over-diagnose breast cancers


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