Owning a dog slashes the risk of premature death by A THIRD: Man’s best friend prolongs lives of the elderly by preventing heart disease and loneliness, reveals 3.4 million people study


Owning a dog slashes the risk of suffering a premature death by a third, new research reveals. 

Older people who live alone are 33 per cent less likely to die over the next 12 years if they have a dog, according to a Swedish study of more than 3.4 million elderly people.

The biggest impact is in heart disease, the world’s greatest killer, with owning Britain’s favourite pet reducing early deaths rates by a staggering 36 per cent, the research adds. 

Researchers believe canine pets also help to lower loneliness, which has been described as ‘akin to a chronic long-term condition’ and linked to disorders including heart disease and dementia.

As well as offering companionship and boosting non-human interactions, dogs also encourage their owners to exercise via walks, the researchers add. 

Dogs may also strengthen humans’ gut bacteria, according to the researchers, which has previously been linked to a stronger immune system and maintaining a healthy weight.

Man’s best friend is the most popular pet in the UK, with 24 per cent of people owning a dog.

8ddbfc40e7c618ae157e09a6678363b1 Owning a dog slashes the risk of premature death by A THIRD: Man's best friend prolongs lives of the elderly by preventing heart disease and loneliness, reveals 3.4 million people study

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