Take the pill or medication? Drink tea or coffee with meals? Experts reveal the everyday habits destroying your healthy diet (and reveal the one food you should never eat)


There is a world of difference between balanced and optimal nutrition.

Most of us know we need the five major food groups in proportion but we rarely appreciate the myriad of everyday habits that impact negatively on our diet.

Sugar is the greatest cause of our undoing. It affects our hormones and our satiety and encourages us to overeat.

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Trendy diets are another cause of distraction. Fads that avoid fats or carbohydrates, essential food groups, leave us defunct of key vitamins and minerals.

Lifestyle factors like coffee drinking, medication and the pill affect our ability to absorb vital minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc.

The drugs we take for unavoidable conditions will have side effects that can undermine the balance that a perfect planned diet might create. While diuretic drugs will lower the blood pressure they also cut mineral levels by increasing their losses via the kidneys.

Other drugs that fight autoimmune conditions will also cut calcium absorption which can have the long term effect of thinning bones.

Writing in Get The Gloss, GP Dr Sara Brewer and nutritionist Rob Hobson offer the type of realistic and practical advice that’s lacking from most diet books.

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