This app reads your texts to reveal whether your crush is into you – or if you’re barking up the wrong tree


A NEW app is positive to finally reveal whether your smash is actually into you – or repulsed by you.

The code, called Crush, analyses your wording and phone logs to see if your rage is one-sided.

cf6b2836425a650e10378d6da1ac2736 This app reads your texts to reveal whether your crush is into you – or if you’re barking up the wrong tree

The app reads your subject-matter and checks phone logs to guessing whether your crush is into you

It hand over a score out of five indicating if a person in your contact tome likes you the same amount (or perhaps a little more).

It also distributes a devastating blow if it turns out your attachment is unrequited.

Scores higher than 2.5 indicated the mortal you’re texting likes you aggrandized and scores that are lower present the opposite.

8de6cf3757a2b88057431894eda0fecb This app reads your texts to reveal whether your crush is into you – or if you’re barking up the wrong tree

Getty Images

Sustain you been texting your bruise? Now you can see whether they feel the aforesaid way about you

98021a875b9fa326e4c842f92794132e This app reads your texts to reveal whether your crush is into you – or if you’re barking up the wrong tree

Getty Images

This could track to office romances blossoming, good like Jim and Pam in the US version of The Office

Crussh Boisterous to use clever algorithms to read your text news for any romantic hints.

But after trying it out, I’ve found it could change unintended consequences.

Surely the one mortal who loves you the most is your own sire.

But I’m fuming after erudition that my mum isn’t as keen on me as I am on her.

25f89faa37e30c4c952ade003b98d536 This app reads your texts to reveal whether your crush is into you – or if you’re barking up the wrong tree

Obviously, I love my mum more than she devotion me

This sort of thing could pull apart families apart, and spark rank among pals and other halves.

Its text psychotherapy tool is also pretty dubious.

According to Crushh, the most lovesome text to my other half is old from earlier this yr and involves a discussion about backward a pair of snowboarding shorts.

ff86a34ab0ca30db46d82b040507b79b This app reads your texts to reveal whether your crush is into you – or if you’re barking up the wrong tree

This is not as uncanny as it seems

If that’s the first-class we’ve got, maybe I should be a inconsiderable concerned.

Will this appropriate over from the days of plucking daisy petals piece uttering the words “he affection me, he loves me not”?

Maybe not.

Crushh is more strict, yes, but if you really want to catch out what someone thinks some you, your best bet is Tinder – which now gives feedback on whether individual wants to date you or not.

To give Crushh a go, you can trial it in test phase by downloading it finished the Google Play app.

An app for iOS is yet to be confirmed.

Gyrate the Bottle dating app is like Touchwood AND Chat Roulette in one

