When is the next full moon? Wolf Moon details and the 2018 lunar calendar revealed


Getty Images Every 29.5 days, we see the moon's full face and each month's full moon has a special name

What is a full moon?

This spectacle occurs when the earth comes directly between the sun and the moon.

It happens every 29 and a half days, and each month's full moon has a special name.

This is because Native American tribes kept track of the months of the year by the lunar calendar.

Here’s the full list of upcoming full moons, the dates they fall on – and whether to catch them in the morning or evening.

When is the next full moon?

JANUARY 2018: Wolf Moon

Sometimes known as Old Moon, this spectacle shines brightest at 3.24am on January 2.

Wolves were often heard howling with hunger in America around this time of year – which is how the moon got its name.


7822e16245dadf84be53cf40a829cff9 When is the next full moon? Wolf Moon details and the 2018 lunar calendar revealed



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